An elite military force, led by US Army Ranger Captain Artemis (Jovovich), fall through a portal into a world populated by giant monsters. They meet a hunter (Jaa) who helps them survive in the world and fight against the monsters as they seek a way home.
Directed - Paul W. S. Anderson
Produced - Jeremy Bolt, Paul W. S. Anderson,
Dennis Berardi, Robert Kulzer, Martin Moszkowicz
Screenplay - Paul W. S. Anderson
Based on Monster Hunter by Capcom
Starring - Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Tip "T. I." Harris,
Meagan Good, Diego Boneta, Josh Helman,
Jin Au-Yeung, Ron Perlman,
Music - Paul Haslinger
Cinematography - Glen MacPherson
Distributed - Sony Pictures Releasing (Worldwide),
Constantin Film Verleih (Germany),
Huaxia Film Distribution (China),
Toho-Towa (Japan)
Release date:
December 3, 2020 (Austria, Germany and Netherlands)[1]
December 25, 2020 (United States)
Country - Canada
United Kingdom
United States
Language - English
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